Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DIY project over the week

 Finally I finished the diy projects I wanted to make since last week. I go a holdup finishing it because the leather strap thingy of the sewing machine broke and I had a hard time looking for one (the sewing machine I'm using is realllyy old..maybe older than me. My mom used it when she was just in college I think). So yeah..I do really really want a new electric sewing machine (the one which you can choose what type of stitch you want). It will be in the "list to buy" once I get out of college and have my first paycheck :) annyywhoooo...on to the projects..

lace shorts by rosehorseshoe, lace back tank by foundintheali and bow belt (I can't locate the blog where I found the tutorial for it :( 

instead of sewing the lace in the inner part of the shorts, I sewed it on the outside. The first thing I did was to hem the shorts (I cut it out from an old pair of jeans) and sewed the lace overlapping the stitches.  I had to resort to this as I didn't not have the thread with the same color as the jeans.

While I was ransacking my closet with anything I could find to revamp, I saw a yard of green fabric laying around. So it became my victim and made it into a green bow belt :)

Oh the wonderful feeling of free fabric :) My brother bought the lace fabric thingy which was supposedly used for a parasol. The tailor just used a small part of the fabric we provided and there were some extra. I also had a plain and boring blue racerback tank laying around. Since I am a beginner at sewing, I had to do a lot of trial and error, but it was all worth it when I finished the projects :) 

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