Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 18- 21

I know I've been cheating on my 365 photo project but my summer days have become so monotonous not so many things happen. I've been helping out with my mom's business which involves packing stuff to be shipped. Our house has become a brownie heaven because of the overwhelmingly number of brownies scattered all around the house.

I think  I got around more or less 20 of these trays...

Once in a while I reward myself a slice of this delicious treat

brownie tower!

So yeah..these pictures pretty much sums up days 18-21. You get a bit tired of eating it after you've had enough. Im kind of worried of getting fat munching on these...


  1. Hey sweetie! You have a very beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring posts! I'd like to invite you to be my friend and follow each other:)

    1. hi!oh thank you for your comment!i'm following you already..:)

  2. YUUUM, my mouth is watering!!!!!!! :) they look so great! i have to make some when i get home!! :)

    love K
